You will have to sign a consent form. The form says you:

  • Understand what will happen in the research project.
  • Agree to be a part of the research project.



This is called giving consent.

The form is here:


We will answer some questions like:

  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your postcode

You can answer the questions:

  • In person
  • Over video call
  • Over the phone

You can have someone to support you

    We will ask your GP to share your medical record with us.

    We will look at your information for 3 years.

    • 1 year before the project starts
    • 1 year during the project
    • 1 year after the project ends

    We will ask the government to match your data to information from the hospitals, Medicare, Centrelink, Income and Queensland Health data.

      This will help us work out if the intervention saves the government money.

      After your health check we will ask if you want to talk to us.

      You can choose if you want to be in this part of the project. You can:

      • Choose to talk to us
      • Choose not to talk to us

      It is up to you

      We will ask things about your health assessment:

      • What happened
      • How it made you feel
      • What you didn’t like
      • What you did like, or what went well
      • What was different this time

      When the project ends, we will ask if you want to talk to us again.

      You can choose if you want to be in this part of the project. You can:

      • Choose to talk to us
      • Choose not to talk to us

      It is up to you

      We will ask things about what it’s been like going to your GP.

      • What things have changed
      • Have things gotten better
      • What things can be done better

      These are things to know about the interviews

      You can tell us:

      • What you think was good
      • What you think was bad
      • What you think can be done better

      What you tell us stays between us. We won’t tell your GP practice.

      Katie, Sinead, or Ruby will be the person asking you questions.

      • It will depend who is working the day of your interview.


      You can do the interview:

      • In person. We can come visit you.
      • On a video call.
      • On a phone call.

      You can choose who comes to the interview:

      • You can do the interview on your own.
      • Or have someone with you.

      You decide who comes to your interview.

      The interview will take about half an hour

      You can take a break when you want.

      You can stop the interview when you want.

      We will give you a  $50  gift card.

      This is to thank you for your time.

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